Revitalizing Wisdom: Consolidating Two Decades of SEO Insights

Join in a transformative journey as we merge 20 years of SEO wisdom into a single, enriched post. Discover updated strategies and timeless insights that continue to shape the digital marketing landscape.

A Journey Through SEO Evolution Welcome to a special journey through the evolution of SEO and marketing technologies as we celebrate 20 years of invaluable insights from The digital marketing has witnessed immense changes, with new tools and strategies reshaping what it means to optimize content effectively.

Preserving and Enhancing Legacy Content Recognizing that some of our older posts may no longer serve the needs of today’s users, we have decided to consolidate these treasures into a single, comprehensive post. This initiative is not just about archiving past knowledge but about making it dynamic and accessible. We aim to enhance the utility of historical content by updating it with current SEO practices and insights.

Celebrating Two Decades of SEO in India, This archive will preserve the rich history of SEO in India and ensure that our collective knowledge remains accessible and relevant for newcomers and veterans. By revisiting and revitalizing the wisdom gleaned over two decades, we foster a knowledgeable and adaptable community to the changing tides of digital marketing.

Join us as we dive into SEO’s past, present, and future, ensuring the legacy and learning of continue to inspire and inform.

Twitter founder in 1552-character email shock

Twitter co-founder Biz Stone has conceded that 140 characters are not always enough to get your message across, especially when it comes to summarising the amazing growth of your micro-blogging site in the last year.

Stone used 1552 characters in his email newsletter to account holders yesterday, offering some insight to the highlights of Twitter’s ‘annus miraculous’

Accounts opened were up 1,500%, and Twitter employees rose 500% to 146 – the latest being Aaron, “an engineer focused on building internal tools to help promote productivity, communication, and support within our company. We celebrated with a little dance party.”

Stone mentions the new features introduced – Twitter lists, retweets and mobile apps, plus the humanitarian and charitable uses Twitter has been put to, “Twitter is more than a triumph of technology — it is a triumph of humanity. You inspired projects like Fledgling and Hope140.”

In a veiled reference to the huge proportion of unused accounts, estimated to be 83% of the 50 million plus opened Stone says in the opening paragraph, “If you haven’t visited in a while, we’d like to invite you to come have a look at — we’ve been busy!”

100 Education-related Social Sites

100 Education-related Social Sites for students to study and share their work, much to teachers’ dismay everywhere. From finding old friends to online collaboration with current classmates, social networks are a powerful tool for modern students.

  1. Keep track and stay up to date with people who went to school with you. It is one of the rare sites that actually uses real names rather than user accounts.
  2. College Tonight: This is a social site specifically for college students. To create an account, you must have a college email address with the “edu” ending.
  3. Playboy U is a social networking community similar to others, offering features such as photo sharing and instant messaging. However, since Playboy operates it, the site also offers sex advice geared toward college students.
  4. B4Class: A social site primarily aimed at high school and college students.
  5. Campusbug: A social learning website for college students. Tries to help students coordinate notes and study sessions.
  6. College Classifieds: A community of college students attempting to sell various items such as textbooks and furniture.
  7. A social site helping graduate students stay in touch with old classmates. Excellent for finding that next job or organizing a class reunion.
  8. LocalSchools: An interactive education community linking local US colleges and universities. Find your school and connect with users about any common interest or activity.
  9. is a student trading site for buying and selling books, course notes, and party information.
  10. Quizilla: Quizilla is a social site for middle and high school teens.
  11. Connects students taking similar courses and has them rate past classes. Never deal with attendance grades or tough professors again.
  12. An online community for the MTV set that also contains information on grants and student loans.
  13. A social network for students that allows users to create home pages sharing contact information and photo albums.
  14. Allows students to trade books and promote parties and other activities. However, it’s limited to college students with “edu” email addresses.
  15. eCRUSH: A social site for college dating, eCRUSH is designed to minimize the hurt of rejection.
  16. eSpinTheBottle: A site for high school students to swap advice and photos and create their own profiles.
  17. Piczo: A little slice of pop culture heaven, this is a social network for music, movies, and TV-loving teens. It also offers helpful tips for homework and studying.
  18. Highly customizable profiles combined with a youthful community make this a great place for students to spend their spare time.
  19. Meetup: Find people near you with similar interests. Rather than developing a distant online relationship, the goal is to meet at some point. An awesome site for new students or graduates moving to a new city.
  20. MyYearbook: A yearbook meant to follow users for the rest of their lives, this colorful social site is aims to be a part of everyday life offering advice and tools for navigating tenuous social waters.
  21. ConnectU: An online community of college students and alumni from schools and universities worldwide.
  22. Wamba: A worldwide Spanish social networking site, Wamba allows Spanish-speaking users to meet and connect anywhere.
  23. Black Planet: The largest online community for African Americans.
  24. StudiVZ: A resource for German students studying internationally.
  25. CampusBooks: A social network giving students the ability to buy, sell and donate textbooks with little frustration.
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The Internet has undoubtedly changed the way people share information. Sorting through the data has proven to be an extremely difficult task perfectly suited for the collaboration of social networks. These social sites are tailor-made so academic users can share reviews and summaries and collaborate on work.

  1. Shelfari: A way for book lovers to connect, this networking service allows users to create and share their own virtual bookshelves.
  2. Revish is another community that lets book lovers review their favorite books, form groups, or update their current reading status.
  3. Good Reads: A book reader’s community allowing members to review ans share books they read.
  4. Connect Via Books: This clever social site connects book lovers based on their reading list and allows them to discover similar interests.
  5. Zoetrope: From Francis Ford Coppola’s production company, this site allows poets, musicians, playwrights and various other artists to post their works in progress and get feedback.
  6. Pronetos: Seeking to link scholars with the hope of facilitating academic research, Pronetos is free and extremely helpful
  7. Academic: A knowledge network for professors and general academics. Includes networks for nearly any subject from gravitational physics to US history.
  8. Financial Academics Network: A social site for finance geeks, FAN seeks to connect professors and students financial academics. Search forums, groups and blog postings.
  9. Graduate Junction: A social site specifically to help graduate students with their research, Graduate Junction also connects members with industry contacts.
  10. Academia: A global network of academics at universities. Chat with academics in similar fields or find old classmates.
  11. Humanities and Social Sciences Online: Individuals in the science and math sector tend to gravitate to new technologies first often leaving the humanities in the dust. No anymore with this social service dedicated to liberal arts academics.
  12. Social Science Research Network: A research network aiming to disseminate information among social scientists and researchers.
  13. Access Research Network: A non-profit research network connects researchers in science, technology and society. This site focuses on controversial issues such as abortion and evolution.
  14. Rare Diseases Network: This excellent social site connects scientists and researchers working on rare diseases from the University of South Florida and supported by the National Institute of Health and the US Dept. of Health and Human Services.
  15. FUMSI: A powerful research tool that harnesses social networking technology to improve research quality.


Social networking has certainly made students’ lives easier. Students share homework, notes and test information before teachers and school administrators even know about it. Grade books and lesson plans have been digital for a while, but teachers (much like older people in general) have been slower in visiting social sites. These social sites for teachers are going to change some outdated thinking.

  1. TeachAde: Find other teachers and get resources to help develop professional skills at a great social site for new teachers.
  2. 4Teachers: This site offers a social community along with tools and information for teachers. It wants to bring technology to the classroom.
  3. Twitter For Teachers is a website and community that helps teachers learn to use Twitter in the classroom through discussions, photos, and videos.
  4. Classroom 2.0: An active social site for teachers focusing on web 2.0 and collaborative technology for beginners to online networking.
  5. Edutagger: A social bookmarking site allowing users to save interesting articles related to education to share with colleagues.
  6. The Schools United: This social networking site brings schools together worldwide through videos, blogs and other features.
  7. NextGen: This site seeks to support teachers’ worldwide efforts to use technology to positively impact education.
  8. Education Leadership: A social networking site to create and connect new education leaders.
  9. Passionate Teachers: Share work ideas and strategies with teachers who care deeply about their work and promoting quality teaching.
  10. Teachers Network: A social network with great information, videos and podcasts to help teachers. Also includes a section specifically for new teachers.
  11. BONy: A European education social network offered for free by the European Union.
  12. Global Classroom: A social network of students and teachers seeking access to quality education. Provides free online classrooms for teachers to help integrate the internet into classrooms.
  13. EDU4DRR: A social network by and for teachers who want to make a difference in disaster prevention.
  14. Learning 2.0: An invitation-only learning community for teachers and educators.
  15. Comenius Program Network : A network for teachers across Europe to seek support and share ideas to help ensure successful projects.


Social sites have come to dominate the Internet. Recently, social networking sites even supplanted pornography in terms of traffic. While there are social networks for virtually any topic or category, an account at one of these major sites is a must to keep your surfing current.

  1. Facebook: One of the most popular social networking sites in the world, Facebook has sustained the social networking revolution in the face skeptics and doubters. Currently the king of social sites with over 200 million users worldwide.
  2. Bebo: This site combines the connectivity of social sites with blogging, even allowing musicians to upload songs and authors to post chapters of books.
  3. MySpace: It’s the social site that made Tom everyone’s friend. Though its popularity has stymied a bit in the face of fierce competition from other sites, MySpace is still popular for its customizable profiles.
  4. This site has waxed and waned in popularity among its users. Members join and surf the site to join “tribes” based on their interests. The Burning Man tribe, for example, has over 20,000 members.
  5. Tumblr: A blog that lets users post video, articles, images and other interesting material. The site makes it really easy to share content from different users profiles.
  6. Twitter: The site that made micro-blogging famous, Twitter has proven itself invaluable to celebrities and media companies looking to share information quickly and easily.
  7. Wasabi: A European social site with members primarily from France, Spain, Germany and Italy. Since its founding in 2001, the site has grown with Internet technology adding Web 2.0 functionality like photo sharing and blogs.
  8. Friendster: A social network aimed at keeping both old and new friends connected. While having sizeable members in the U.S. the site is mainly popular in Asian countries such as Singapore and the Philippines.
  9. LiveJournal: A community of blogs, journals and diaries. The site has drawn a number of notable users such Billy Corgan and Dmitry Medvedev.
  10. The concept is a little foreign to most users online: a social site based real world relationships. Share content and keep up with people you know in real life with an easy and fun interface.
  11. Hi5: The Web’s third most popular social networking site links friends along with friends of friends. Extremely popular in Latin American countries.
  12. Friends Reunited: Popular in England, Friends Reunited links people with common school or military experiences but also links based on common interests.
  13. Xanga: This site offers its users weblogs, photoblogs and videoblogs. Combined with 60 million users, Xanga is top notch social network site.
  14. Flingr: Feeds, forums and blogs combined with shared user content make Flingr fun for everyone regardless of age, however users tend to be younger.
  15. WorldStuffer: Free classified and social networking sites for your city.
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Book Sharing

While it seems the Internet has been slowly replacing paper books for years now, nothing could be further from the truth. Through the collaboration of social networks book lovers are sharing reviews, summaries and lists of favorite books. Some are even swapping their books with others around the world to completely overhaul their personal libraries.

  1. America’s Bookshelf: A book exchange community with networks extending across the US.
  2. Books Connect: A paid service, social site, BooksConnect shares thousands of books among members.
  3. Book Crossing: A community of users from over 130 countries that meet to trade books in public places.
  4. Book Ins: A book sharing website giving member a real time used book exchange.
  5. Book Mooch: Users exchange books with one another based on a point system. Gain points giving books to other users.
  6. Book Sale Scout: An online community of online book sellers based in the US.
  7. Book Swim: Most book borrowing services require members to pay for shipping. This site, on the other hand offers free shipping with a couple of catches.
  8. Paper Back Swamp: Pay the delivery charge and swap books with other members. Great for rare or obscure titles that are out of print.
  9. Read It Swap It: A free service allowing users to exchange books with others.
  10. Socialbib: Book swapping network between students.LI>

Professional and Job Opportunities

Employment is unique for those in the education field. Students can rarely work full time schedules and education professionals often fill niche roles. Specific circumstances makes finding work harder but social networks help solve the problem by making easy connections. These social sites are great for helping individuals in education get the jobs they want.

  1. AlumWire: AlumWire has been created to assist college students, alumni with professional opportunities.
  2. iHipo: An international community for college students and business professionals looking for networking opportunities.
  3. Zumeo: On online search database just for students. Find information on internships, post resumes or search for jobs. Easy to use and packed with features.
  4. Tapped In: A social network for educational professionals to meet and discuss the finer nuances of their industry.
  5. Konnects: This site enables members to create their own networking communities based on profession.
  6. LinkedIn: A community of over 40 million professionals exchanging information, ideas and contacts.
  7. MEETin: A fun and friendly community for professionals to gather without the pretense of making business connections.
  8. Ryze: Business networking for an array of industries. This site offers professionals from over 200 countries a unique, quality networking service.
  9. Xing: A network of over seven million professional in industries such as education. The site also offers great organizational tools.
  10. Ecademy: Share knowledge, opportunities and contacts with friends and colleagues around the world.

Miscellaneous Social Networking Tools for Students, Academics and Educators

Most major research universities are practically cities unto themselves. Keeping track of updates and events used to be the sole territory of campus newspapers. Social networking sites are making it easier to keep up with obscure university information from sports teams not covered by mainstream press to the latest in research news.

  1. YouNoodle: A social networking site designed to connect people involved in university innovation and research. Includes neat little tools like a “Startup Predictor” calculating the potential value of an invention or business after so many years. This is a really great site.
  2. This site offers student athletes the chance to interact with college recruiters and ask questions regarding college sports.
  3. Sodahead: Get answers to questions from a range of topics including money, music, schools, research and a lot more. The site also lets users share news stories and voice opinions.
  4. diigo: This social tool saves research, highlights and annotates important pages while also managing group projects and sharing content.
  5. Fark: A social bookmarking and social networking site with sections for sports, business, showbiz, politics and more.
  6. Cramster: This site offers help with math problems, answers to textbook questions or study help. Their premium service makes experts available to answer random questions.
  7. Internships have become an increasingly important part of the college experience. Before you apply find out if a particular company is the right fit for you with this helpful social site.
  8. Zimride: This carpooling and cab share networking site can save users thousands in fuel costs every year.
  9. A social network site that allows users to upload files they can make available to other members. Great for group projects or parties.
  10. Gradefund: Students with good grades can create their own accounts where sponsors pay money for academic accomplishments.
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List of dofollow forums with a high PageRank

This is good list of dofollow forums with a high PageRank which allow DO Follow Signatures. You can use these forums for link building as well as to get traffic, one way links and brand building…


SEO for multilingual sites

Your business has grown sufficiently to start trading abroad, and you need a multilingual website to market your business globally. This is not simply a case of translating the content of your existing website into different languages; there are several things you need to prepare for. Launching an international website carries an amount of reputation-building risk in terms of the translation of your content. What you don’t want is to find that your website abroad is sub-standard and is reflecting badly on your business at home.

Yes you will need to translate your content, but for each site you should ensure this is carried out by individuals who are fluent not only in the language but also in terms of the culture and of the online marketplace relevant to your business. They should be familiar with your business and be able to recreate the site content with an eye to what works locally. Take a look at and compare it with You will see how different the two are regarding presentation and content.

You will likely need to bring in a search engine optimization company to manage the process and ensure your translated pages are optimised for the big four, as well as for local search engines. Search terms should not be translated; they should be newly created and come from an understanding of what other countries might use to find information. Your SEO company should provide link building, manage local social media and ensure your site content is appropriately copyrighted in the country concerned. It is crucial to get these things right before launching – and don’t forget to convert to local currency.

Facebook Introductions

The explosive growth of Facebook means you might have trouble keeping up with friends and relatives when you look at your news feed. You could “unfriend” people who update too often or whose updates you don’t want to read, but that might offend them. Creating a friend list will make sure you see only the updates you want when you log into the site.

1. Log into your Facebook account and click “Create” at the bottom of the sidebar on the top left side of the page. Give your list names such as “Real friends” or “People I care about.”

2. Add people to your list by clicking on their profile pictures or by typing their names into the search field. Add only the people you’re interested in keeping up with.

3. Once you’ve selected all your friends for this list, click “Create List.”

4. A link to your new list will be displayed at the bottom of the sidebar on the upper left side of the page. Click on the link to the list and drag it to the top of the sidebar, above the link to “News Feed.” Now every time you log into Facebook, you will see a news feed of only the people on your list (as opposed to the default news feed of all friends).

5. Add or remove people from your list in several ways. Click the pencil next to the name of your list in the sidebar, or go to your list of friends and click the arrow next to someone’s name. When you approve a friend request, you can add that person to your new list by clicking the arrow next to “Add to list” before you click “confirm.”

You can create multiple lists. Your friends will not know if they’re on a list.

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