Google +1 button will influence search rankings

Here is the exact quote from Google’s David Byttow, from when the feature was first announced: “We’ll also start to look at +1’s as one of the many signals we use to determine a page’s relevance and ranking, including social signals from other services. For +1′s, as with any new ranking signal, we’ll be starting … Read more

Google recommending using the HTML5 syntax for Google +1

The one thing we will like to mention  is the code to be used for Google plus one button. Google is actually recommending using the HTML5 syntax instead of what Google gives you on the button creation page. The code they are recommending is: <div data-size=”standard” data-count=”true”></div> Matt McGee at Search Engine Land has two good … Read more

Adding Google +1 Button to Your Site

Google +1 Button, easy to add and enjoy facebook like plus one features… webmasters can get the +1 button code right now. The setup is very simple and you get started instantly by using this default code where you want the Google +1 button to appear. In Header tag <script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script> In page where … Read more