Google Shut Down Its Failed Social Network Project Google Plus – Archives

On October 8, 2018, Google announced it would be ending the consumer version of Google+ by the end of August 2019, later changing that date to April 2, 2019. Google+ shut down for good on 2 April 2019 with all profiles and pages being deleted on that day. We have many posts on Google + and Google One. Since the project is shut down, and have not found much value in all old posts relating to Google+. Therefore we decided to remove all such old posts, and data will be kept on this thread for any reference or usage in the future.

No Business Profiles On Google+

The most important of which is that users should refrain from creating business profiles.

“We have a great team of engineers building similarly optimized business experience for Google+. We’re very exited about it and hope to roll it out later on this year. It will include things like rich analytics and the ability to connect that identity to other parts of Google that businesses might use on a daily basis, like AdWords. So we are asking people to hold off on using consumer profiles to get a business identity on Google+”

Postscript from Greg Sterling: Oestlien was interviewed about this subject in AdAge. He said that companies like Ford and MTV that already have pages that are being actively used won’t be taken down. In effect they’ll be “grandfathered” in:

Ad Age: So it seems Ford will be able to maintain its page and will be part of the test?
Mr. Oestlien: Yes. There are a subset of businesses that have been actively involved since the start — including Ford.

Ad Age: Which other big companies have been active on the site?

Mr. Oestlien: MTV. Some charities in Europe, and, of course, some of the online tech blogs like Mashable.

Ad Age: So will these guys also be part of the test?

Mr. Oestlien: Not just companies that have already set up pages. But also a lot of great businesses like Dell. They don’t have page up, but they’ve been hosting hangouts with our user-base.

Google To Retire Private Google+ Profiles On July 31

If you choose to keep your profile private, Google will simply delete it after July 31, 2011

From the Google+ help section:

“The purpose of Google Profiles is to enable you to manage your online identity. Today, nearly all Google Profiles are public. We believe that using Google Profiles to help people find and connect with you online is how the product is best used. Private profiles don’t allow this, so we have decided to require all profiles to be public.

Keep in mind that your full name and gender are the only required information that will be displayed on your profile; you’ll be able to edit or remove any other information that you don’t want to share.

If you currently have a private profile but you do not wish to make your profile public, you can delete your profile. Or, you can simply do nothing. All private profiles will be deleted after July 31, 2011.”

Mark Zuckerberg Drop, By Choice, From Most Followed On Google+

The irony of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg being the most followed person on Google+ is over. He’s disappeared from the top rankings, along with Google CEO Larry Page who was the second most followed and other Google execs. By choice, they’ve all gone stealth on follower counts, it seems.

Google+ May Already Have 9 Million Users

Google+ has been out for two weeks, but the number of users has already spiked dramatically. Some estimates put Google+’s current user base at approximately 9 million users, with speculation Google+ will surpass the 10 million mark today.

Schmidt responded, “I don’t know, but it’s millions, it’s a lot.”

By Allen’s method of tabulation, Google+ had 1.7 million users as of July 4 and hit 7.3 million users yesterday.

Google+ links and ranking issue

There are a lot of questions bouncing around about Google+ links and their impact and effect on rank. I will share what I feel confident about and also give you a road map of must read articles that once read, will really help you to feel more comfortable with what we do and don’t know about Google Plus, link building and sharing, and search rank.

15 Google Plus Chrome add-ons for newbies

Love Google+? Me too. It has many missing features of other social networks, yet, it also have drawbacks. Today I selected 15 browser add-ons that make Google Plus more usable

One Month In, Google+ Sees First Traffic Dip As Total Visits Drops 3%

New numbers released by Experian Hitwise show the first traffic drop for Google’s social networking service, Google+. The drop occurred on the week of July 23rd as Google+ saw 1.79 million total visits compared to the 1.86 million the previous week. Google+ had been steadily building traffic and did have a monster week on week of July 16th where total visits were up 283%. Even in the week of July 16th, the traffic drop was starting to show:

Getting More from Google+ and the +1 Button

In this session we’ll look at the many ways Google is improving by focusing on people. We’ll review how the Google+ project is adding the richness of real-life sharing to software, combining the casual meetup with live multi-person video, and much more. We’ll then dive into some detail with +1 implementation best practices, getting the most out of analytics and reporting, structured markup, and some thoughts on businesses in Google+.

Google+’s monumental surge to 25 million unique global visitors

This week comScore released findings on Google+’s monumental surge to 25 million unique global visitors. Launched just over a month ago, Google+ has become the fastest social networking service to reach 25 million unique visitors. This quick ascent outpaced MySpace, Twitter and Facebook:

Google+ is on a trajectory to surpass other social networks

A Bloomberg-YouGov survey of 1,003 online adults found that Google+ is on a trajectory to surpass other social networks, including Twitter, LinkedIn and MySpace. YouGov projects that Google+ will become the number two network after Facebook, “in the next year.”

The survey also suggests that Google+ will likely chip away at Facebook usage and engagement:

As Google+ gains followers, it is likely to negatively impact Facebook usage. 30% of Facebook users who already use Google+ plan on cutting down time spent on Facebook this year.
Taking a step back, no survey can reliably predict the future. Very often attitudes expressed in surveys are quite different than behavior turns out to be. Accordingly we should be cautious about drawing conclusions about the fates of Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, at the hands of Google+, from this single survey.

New Facebook Sharing Controls Undermine Google+ Privacy Advantage

There will be extensive discussion and debate today about whether the broad and welcome array of new privacy, tagging and sharing controls on Facebook are or aren’t a response to Google+.

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I directly asked Facebook that question and was told that the new features have nothing to do with Google+ and have been in the works for months, as a response to user feedback.

Indeed, if there’s a consistent issue on which Facebook is repeatedly criticized it’s privacy and user control over content sharing. And this has been one of the two main advantages of Google+: explicit inline privacy and sharing controls and easy group creation and management. Facebook isn’t yet addressing the latter but with the new tools it’s directly taking on Google+’s privacy and sharing advantages.

Google+ still has a long way to go versus Twitter and Facebook

How do you measure the success of a social media site? One of several ways might be how “real world” celebrities gravitate to it. By that measure, Google+ still has a long way to go versus Twitter and Facebook, according to most followed lists  Right now, Google+ is dominated by tech celebrities. On Twitter, not a single tech celeb makes it into the top ten. On Facebook, real world celebrities get joined by popular companies and games.

Google Plus launched Page View Counts

Google made a small but interesting update to Google+ today. Every profile page now includes the total number of times the user’s content has been seen by others. This new number is the sum of all of the views of the user’s profile, posts and photos since October 2012.

Google made no announcements about the change, which tells us they wanted to give us a surprise, it’s not as if we would not notice it. They did supply us all with a help page, it allows us to see how many views we have had on our Google Plus profiles and even our photos, which in one respect is a good thing because it allows us to learn what type of photo attracts the viewers.

Google +1 button update: Faster Display

Google send a mail for updation of + button

We’re making a change to the +1 button today to make it display faster. This change will first roll out to this preview group and doesn’t require any change to your site.

We’re turning on this change for the preview group to give you an opportunity to test the changes on your web site and ensure the +1 button functions properly. This change applies to all browsers in all environments.

If you do notice any changes to the +1 button when viewing your pages while logged into your preview account, please let us know in the Google+ Developers Forum:

Google Adds 100+ Domains, Signals Plans For National Small Biz Push

Google appears to be readying plans to roll out its “Get Your Business Online” program across the U.S.

That’s based on Mike Blumenthal’s discovery that Google has recently added more than 100 domains to its portfolio, with URLs such as,,,,,,, etc.

Get Your Business Online is Google’s outreach program for small businesses. It offers them a free website, free hosting, domain name, a business listing on Google Places and a

Google Plus Crosses 90 Million User Mark

Google’s online social networking service “Google Plus” has now crossed 90 million user mark since its launch in June 2011.

Google+ which is also known as G+ is a social networking and identity service, operated by Google Inc.

Google+ was launched on June 28, 2011, in an invitation-only “field testing” phase. Early invites were soon suspended due to an increasing demand for new accounts. On September 20, 2011, Google+ was opened to everyone 18 years of age or older without the need for an invitation. It was opened for a younger age group (13+ years old) in most countries on January 26, 2012.

Google+ has now attracted over 90 million users around the world. According to independent analysis of its growth in December 2011, the site was adding an estimated number of 625,000 new users a day, which may total 400 million members by the end of 2012. The site’s popularity accelerated in December 2011, with almost a quarter of its total user base joining in December alone.

Read more:

President Obama’s Google Plus ‘hangout’ Claims About Engineering Demand

“There’s a huge demand around this country for engineers. . . . Where you’re seeing a lot of specialized demand is in engineering that’s related to the high-tech industries.”

— President Obama, during a Google Plus video conference, Jan. 30

Obama’s comments came in response to a question from Fort Worth resident Jennifer Wedel, who asked why the government has extended and continues to issue H-1B visas when people such as her engineer husband, Darin Wedel, can’t find work.

Facebook Rolls Out New Google Plus Inspired Photo Viewer

Continuing with its tweaks to the Facebook user interface Facebook has rolled out its new photo viewer to more users. The latest change in the Facebook photo viewer seems to be inspired by that in Google+. Quite like the Google+ photo viewer the interaction panel is to the right, instead of its previous position below the image.
This update to the Facebook photo viewer comes a year after the last major overhaul in February last year when Facebook introduced a light-box like effect to its photo viewer and also made viewing and sharing easier.

Google Plus Opens To Teens Age 13 & Up

Google Plus continues to get more open bit by bit, and just today made the service available to teens age 13 and up. Previously, Google Plus was restricted to people 18 and up. Along with the wave of new teenagers, Google Plus is also getting new privacy and security features–a fairly important thing if the service is to become something parents encourage their children to use.

Google is probably doing the slow rollout on purpose. This is their third or fourth wave of opening the service up. Each time it’s followed by new statistics on membership, and this time will be no different. Millions of teens are going to sign up in the near future.

Google+ for Android Update Promises ‘Massive’ Performance Gains

Remember last month, when Google delivered some new features to the mobile web edition of Google+, but hadn’t yet gotten around to updating the smartphone apps themselves? Well, we’ve yet to see those changes made to the iOS version of Google+, but today they finally come to the Android edition, along with some pretty impressive-sounding improvements of their own.

From that mobile web edition, the What’s Hot section has now been added to Google+ for Android, as has the ability to see just which users have been +1ing posts and comments. What we really like the sound of, though, is Google’s promise of a much smoother Google+ experience, thanks to what it describes as “massive performance improvements” to the underlying code

Google +1 button/Google+ Badge update: JavaScript Loading

What Google says about this change in there email

Today we’re improving the performance of the +1 button and the Google+ Badge. This change will first roll out to this preview group and doesn’t require any change to your site. It reduces the size of the / js/plusone.js loader, while making it smarter: it now will load only the code necessary for widgets it finds on your site. In addition, the
full +1 button code has been reduced in size by roughly 20%.

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We’re turning on this change for the preview group to give you an opportunity to test the changes on your web site and ensure the +1 button and Google+ badges function properly. This change applies to all supported browsers in all environments.

This is an invisible change aimed at performance and stability

For webmasters: Google+ and the +1 button 101

Here’s a video that covers the basics of Google+, the +1 button, getting started on Google+, and how social information can make products like Search more relevant. This video is for a range of webmasters (from personal bloggers to CEOs of corporations). So, if you’re interested in learning about Google+, we hope that with 20 minutes and this video on YouTube (we have our own Webmaster Support Channel!), you can feel more up to speed with Google’s social opportunities.

Google Plus Got a Grand Total of 24 New Features

Google Plus got 24 new features in an update released today, along with new mobile app versions for Android and iOS devices.

The Google Plus team, in an official blog post, particularly highlighted the platform’s new photo capabilities, which include 5GB of free cloud storage for full-size backups of pictures taken on Android devices and several improvements to the iOS app’s photo album interface. As before, unlimited free backup space is available for pictures of 2048px resolution or below.

Additionally, users on devices running Android 2.2 or later can now view photospheres, the panoramic shots that were introduced with the latest Jelly Bean update.

Google Plus Vice President of Engineering Dave Besbris wrote that the team had also updated Google Plus’ hangout feature.

Google Tool For Disavow Links

Much awaited by webmasters and web owners, a tool to disavow links is launched and is located at URL
As we all know that bing was the first to do this, now Google has taken a step further to make life of webmasters easy. This tool will help if you have got manual spam action based on “unnatural links” pointing to your site message in webmaster tools. Source

Google Plus Strategies, Benefits, Drawbacks

No one would argue that the primary reason we must use Google Plus is because Google has tied using it into where your site may rank in the Google search engine. No other social network can compel participation in that way. How many do you really think are going to search for and comment
in more than one instance of your content being shared on G+?

Google+ Rolls Out Design Changes

Google+ has rolled out new features for its profile and pages, including a “Local” reviews tab and larger cover photos, one day ahead of Facebook’s big News Feed announcement. Google+ gets minor refresh with larger cover photos, Local reviews tab Users can now choose cover photos with a max resolution of 2120 x 1192, and your images will be displayed in 16:9 format when clicked. “This way more images can be used as cover photos, and there’s more room for your selection to shine,” McKinley says.

Google+ Now Used in YouTube Comments

The official YouTube blog announced today that it is now utilizing Google+ to better moderate all comments on videos. YouTube said this change was to better display comments that users would most want to see. Profiles that Google+ or YouTube has verified will be pushed to the top of the comment thread: YouTube

Buy Google Plus One Keywords

Today I was making a search in Google to find a company which selll Google plus one and I found the follow keyword or phrases used by the SEO Companies

Buy Google Plus one
Buy Google Plus ones
Buy Google Plus 1
Buy Google Plus 1’s
Buy Google +1
Buy Google +1’s
Buy Google Plus one Votes
Buy Google +1 Votes
Google Plus one Service
Google Plus one Services
Google Plus ones Service
Google Plus ones Services
Google +1 Service
Google +1 Services

What is Google’s +1 button not?

Buy Google Plus one Service
Buy Google Plus one Services
Buy Google Plus ones Service
Buy Google Plus ones Services
Buy Google +1 Service
Buy Google +1 Services

The Google +1 button is not the same as the Google Buzz button. However, many sites have already replaced their old Google Buzz button with the new +1 button.

It is likely that Google Buzz functionality will also be added to +1. Google also announced analytics for the +1 button to show webmasters info on geography, demographics, content, and search impact.

Although Google’s +1 button does not have a major impact on the position of your web pages in Google’s search results yet, it does not hurt to add the button to your pages

Google Adds +1 Button to Image Search

The button, introduced in March as an answer to Facebook’s “Like,” is equivalent to a stamp of approval from Google users. Over the past few months, +1s have appeared next to news articles, on websites and ads.

Why images? In Google’s Inside Search blog, Xiaorui Gan, a software engineer at the company, describes the following scenario: “Let’s say you’re looking to summit Mount Kilimanjaro and want to inspire a few of your climbing buddies to join you. Your search for [mount Kilimanjaro summit] and switch to Images mode to find rows and photos testifying that this peak can be conquered. By hovering over one of the images, you can quickly recommend this photo to your friends by clicking the +1 button.” Soon, she continues, you’ll be able to see which photos in your search results they recommended as well.

Preview the latest +1 button changes

Want to test the latest +1 features? Today we’re introducing a new option for webmasters who want to be the first to know about changes to the +1 button. Enroll in the Google+ Platform Preview, available globally, to test updates before they launch to all users on your site. When you’re logged into the account you’ve enrolled with and you visit a page with the +1 button, you’ll see the latest preview release.

Google Me – Google’s coming social network?

Social Media or Social Networks are becoming popular among wide community of users and it can be seen that Google is going to have “Google Me” names social network which clearly shows that how much big search companies are interested in these social networks concepts.

Other reason of this new network may be due to decreasing popularity of Face Book which made Search Giant to have own Social Networking Platform, how ever with Google Buzz, Google has already entered in this concept, but Google Buzz not seems enough to the company to have this wide areas of users.

With little research, I have found that “” domain name all extensions are reserved by Google which means that it’s not humor and it likely to be launched very soon by Google.

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What does it means for normal user to have Google ME? Right now we see that Google profiles are the only way to have maximum information about users, bit Google Me will have more features any may be it will be on same concept as face book, there will be more competition among social networks which is good for social network users.

How Social Media helps in SEO and Brand Building?

Social media is real advertising (Negative or Positive) from users who use any services or products which can helps to build your brand and reputation.
If you have good reputation in Social Media and Your Company Profile is popular, you will have extra edge for your Search Engine Optimisation, google gives more importance to reputed sites and those are indexed fast by Google.

Some Important fact about Google +1

Here we are giving some important facts about Google +1

The Google +1 button is supported in 44 languages
The +1 button will appear next to the headline on search ads
The button is not available on mobile search results yet
The +1 Button is not the same as Google Buzz
There are different sizes and styles of the button
The button is even more customizable
Multiple buttons can be placed on a single page
You need a Google profile to use this button
Google +1’s are shared publicly, but can be undone
You will see total +1 counts for sites
The +1 button will influence search rankings
The Google + button will not work on private URL

Google+ Gained Traction

Google Places became Google+ Local, which changed the approach to local SEO. Users who log into their Google+ account while performing a search will see personalized results based on social data from Google+. Google+ Local has aimed to make reviews, recommendations and opinions of those in a user’s Google+ Circles a central part of their search experience. Bing also provides what’s known as “social results,” but because Google is still the search giant, users have more incentive to use Google+ more than ever before.

Google+ Now Has 40 Million Users

As part of Google’s earnings announced today, CEO Larry Page announced that Google’s social network, Google+, now has 40 million members. That puts it still well behind Facebook’s 800 million, closer to Twitter’s 100 million, but doesn’t seem to count “active” users.

Google Integrates Google+, Gmail, Contacts

Google is combining its three major services that focus on connecting with other people. Users can now take advantage of Google+ to filter emails, view recent Plus updates in Gmail, and get updated information in Contacts via Google profiles.

It’s unsurprising to see deeper integration of the major Google products, especially inasmuch as they help push the Google+ social network. Here are the ways you can now use your Plus connections to supe up other services – and vice versa:

Google+ Now Lets You Lock Down Posts Before Publishing

One of the distinctive features of Google+ is that it lets you disable comments and lock down posts from sharing, but so far, you were only able to do it after you share a post.

Now, you can do it before you share, which makes much more sense; after all, if you don’t want anyone to comment on or share your post, you probably want it that way from the start.

AdSense display ads will now feature the +1 button

In the next month, Google  introduce the +1 button and personal recommendations to display ads. The +1 button will begin to appear on AdSense for Content and AdSense for Mobile Content display ad formats — image, animated gif, and Flash. +1s will be one additional signal to help determine an ad’s relevance and we’ll continue to show the ads that will generate the most revenue for you.

Google previously launched the +1 button on Google search and for publisher sites to make it easier for people to share and discover content across the web. Soon, your users will be able to endorse specific ads and make the ads more likely to appear to their social connections. Google believe that these recommendations could help your readers notice ads on your site more, leading to higher returns for you over time.

Improve Your AdWords Quality Score with Google +1?

This week I have listened to some exciting presentations and had a few conversations with Google AdWords product evangelists regarding Google +1. The prospect for social integration with both SEO listings and paid search ads is intriguing and holds a tremendous amount of potential for search marketers.

The +1 button was deployed earlier this year across organic and PPC listings in the Google SERPs. Since then, the questions haven’t stopped. The main question that has bubbled to the top regards how +1 will affect AdWords quality score.

Using Google +1 For Rankings & Profit

Since the launch of Google’s +1 feature, search engine optimizers (SEOs), business owners, and spammers have all circled around the +1. Services have launched selling them, rumors and whitepapers have scattered across the web “proving” that +1’s improve rankings, or “proving” they don’t.

For right now, no one knows for sure what’s going to happen, though educated guesses can be made. We know +1’s will affect the algorithm, so the guesses are how – and, more to the point, how can we take advantage of the +1 button

Introducing sharing from the +1 button

Today we’re enabling two new feature previews in this group that make
+1 even more useful: sharing and +Snippets

The +1 button now lets visitors share your pages with their circles on
Google+.  By letting visitors choose the Circles they share with,
we’re making it easy to start conversations with people who are
interested in your content.  Also, you can use +Snippets to customize
the name, image and description that appear when your content is

Google+ Games Heats Up Social Gaming Battle With Facebook

Google+ has added its first 16 games. The good news for developers is that Google is only taking a 5 percent commission, compared to Facebook’s 30 percent. Not to be outdone, however, Facebook is adding numerous new game features Google’s structure for games is designed to be non-intrusive; stories that originate from games aren’t visible in the main stream, but those interested can navigate to the Games tab and check out what their friends have been up to

Google+ Now Offers Games for all

According to a screenshot posted on Google’s announcement, there are currently 16 games available at launch, including popular titles like Angry Birds, Bejeweled and others.

Games are rolling out “gradually” starting today, Google says. Users will see a colorful, new button at the top of the page that leads to a dedicated page for Google+ Games.